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Of course I'm not here alone!
This page shows you my cat, Fang.
I got her from the SPCA (the Society for the Protection of Cruelty to
Animals), which is pretty much the same as the RSPCA in the UK, just not
Royal! |

Here you can see how she got her name!
She lost her top left incisor, maybe in a fight or an accident, so
when she bites together, sometimes her bottom tooth sticks out, as you
can see in the picture! |

She's quite an active cat, and is often prowling around.
She likes to play outside a lot, but she knows where home is, and
where to get her food! |

This cat fears no other!
The other day she came in and had obviously been fighting - you can
see she got scraped across her nose in this picture.
She's very inquisitive too, and not camera shy!

She's a lil sweety though, and loves having her tummy tickled.
She likes to go to sleep on me too! |